Conference Overview

The eighth edition of the International Colloquium 'Physics of Materials' - PM-8, will be organized by the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest in collaboration with the Academy of Romanian Scientists on November 14-15, 2024.

The aim of the Colloquium is to provide a forum for the presentation of new advances in the physics of materials research and novel applications. The accepted and presented contributions will be selected by the Scientific Committee for publication in either the ISI-quoted journals Scientific Bulletin of UPB, Series A, B or the Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. .

The conference will be held online.

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The participation fee for oral presentations and posters is 100 RON for scientists, and free for students! For details, please refer to the Conference Invitation.

We look forward to seeing you!

Chair: Prof. Dr. Habil. Doina Mănăilă-Maximean




The Programme of the Colloquium consists of three sessions: Presentation of the Invited Papers, presentation of the Oral Communications and presentation of Poster Communications.

a) Invited Papers;

b) Oral Communications;

c) Poster Presentations.

The papers should be submitted in English or French.

The accepted and presented contributions will be selected by the Scientific Committee for publication in either the ISI-quoted revue Scientific Bulletin of UPB - Series A, B or the Annals of the Academy of the Romanian Scientists.

The Programme of the Colloquium will consist of oral and poster contributions, falling within the topics:

  1. Biomaterials and Liquid Crystals
  2. Science and Characterization Methods of Materials
  3. Synthesis and Characterization of Functional Materials
  4. Nanomaterials, Metamaterials and Nanoelectronics
  5. Materials for Sustainable Energy
  6. Electronic, Photonic and Optoelectronic Materials
  7. Materials Science
  8. Biomaterials and Organic Materials
  9. Materials Science Education


Abstract submission: invited presentations September 30, 2024 and oral presentations October 15, 2024

Abstract submission: poster presentations October 21, 2024

Registration fee: November 14, 2024

Participation fee: 100 RON (students - free of charge)

Payment information:

Trezoreria sector 6


Account Information: University Politehnica of Bucharest; Mention: “Taxa participare Conferinta Physics of Materials 8” (translated: Participation fee for the Conference Physics of Materials 8). The mentions should appear in Romanian, exactly as stated above between quotation marks.

The abstract should be maximum 1 page A4 in length (including figures, tables, references) and should be submitted in MS-Word 97-2003 format with the file size not exceeding 5MB. Please see the Abstract Template.

Young Scientists are encouraged to participate!